![]() Prykhodchenko Vasyl Fedorovych Position: Professor of the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting of NTU "Dnipro Polytechnic" Degree: Doctor of Science in Geology Academic rank: Professor Contacts: Address: 49000, Dnipro, Dmytro Yavornytsky Ave., 19, Building 7, Room 405. email: prykhodchenko.v.f@nmu.one
Born in 1962 in Dobropillya, Donetsk Oblast. In 1979, he graduated from high school No. 7 and enrolled in Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute named after Artem which he graduated from with distinction in 1984 in the specialty "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits". Since 1984 he was an Engineer, since 1989 - Junior Researcher, since 1990 - Researcher, since 1992 - Senior Researcher in Department of Geology of Coal Deposits of Great Depths of Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences. From 1986 to 1989 he was a student of a postgraduate course at Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute. He graduated with the defense of the dissertation for the Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences degree on the topic "Regularities of development and prognosis of low-amplitude tectonic ruptures of the coal seams of northwestern part of Donbass” in specialty 04.00.16 "Geology of fossil fuels". The scientific guide was corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.Z. Shirokov. From 1994 to 1997 he was a doctoral student at the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Fossil Fuels of the NAS of Ukraine (Lviv). In 1998 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Geological Sciences on the topic "Paleotectonic conditions of formation and regularities of the spatial arrangement of low-amplitude discontinuities of the Donbass coal formation" in the specialty 04.00.16 "Geology of solid combustible minerals". Since 1994 he was part-time Associate Professor of the department, since 1998 -Associate Professor of the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting. Since 1999 - Professor of the Department, 2002 - Head of Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting. In 2001 he received the academic title of professor. Since 2007 he has been the dean of the Geological Exploration Faculty. Area of scientific interest: geology of coal formations, in particular patterns of development and prediction of low-amplitude tectonic disturbance, study of geological factors that determine the gas-bearing capacity of coal seams and forecasting areas favorable for methane production. More than 120 scientific works and 17 methodical works have been published by V. Prykhodchenko, including three manuals approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. He was the supervisor of a candidate and a doctor of geological sciences. |