Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
 Лукінов.JPGLukinov Vyacheslav Volodymyrovych

Position: Professor of the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting of NTU "Dnipro Polytechnic"

Degree: Doctor of Science in Geology and Mineralogy

Academic rank: Professor


Address: 49000, Dnipro, Dmytro Yavornytsky Ave., 19, Building 7, Room 402.

email: lukynov.v.v@nmu.one

List of Scientific papers >>

V.V. Lukinov studied at the Faculty of Geological Prospecting of the Azerbaijan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry named after Azizbekov from 1961 to 1967. He earned a diploma of Mining engineer-geologist in the specialty "Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields". From 1967 to 1968 he worked as a geologist at the Sernozavodska Geological Exploration Party in Central Karakum (Turkmenistan). The main task of the party was to search and prospect for oil and gas within the Central Karakum dome. V.V. Lukinov participated in the exploration of the Zeagli-Darwazin group of oil and gas fields. In particular, he worked as a district geologist at the Modar site.

From 1970 to 2012 he worked at the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the Department of Geology of Deep Coal Deposits. He started in the position of Engineer and then became head of his department. From 1992 to 2012 he worked as Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work.

In 1978 he became Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 04.00.16 "Geology, prospecting and exploration of deposits of solid combustible minerals". He defended his dissertation "Research, development, methodology and forecasting of coal and rocks outbursts in the territory of the Krasnoarmiysk Coal Region” at the Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute. He received the scientific title of senior research fellow in 1988.

His dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in specialty 05.15.15. "Mining Geology" had the topic "Lithogenesis of Donbass sandstones and local prediction of their hazardous outbursts in mines" and was defended in 1991 at the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. In 2001 he received the title of Professor in the specialty 04.00.16 "Geology of solid fossil fuels".

V.V. Lukinov published more than 260 scientific works, including 7 monographs, a textbook, the State Normative Act of Ukraine on Labor Protection, 3 industry standards of the coal industry of Ukraine. He is the author of 18 copyright certificates and patents, as well as a scientific discovery.

The main direction of his scientific research is the study of regularities of influence of natural and man-made conditions, factors and processes on physical properties of rocks of coal-bearing strata changes, distribution of methane accumulations and complications of mining and geological conditions of coal deposits.

Four ScD and six PhD theses were prepared and defended under the guidance of V.V. Lukinov.

He was awarded with Shakhtar Glory signs of I, II and III degrees, and Shakhtar Valor marks of II and III degrees. In 2010, he was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology for the work “Creating an Energy Efficient Complex for the Production and Use of Coal Mine Methane Gas”.

Since 2013 he has been a professor in the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting of the National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”. From 2013 to 2019 he published 24 scientific works including the textbook “Methods of forecasting of mining and geological conditions for the development of coal deposits” (2016), monograph "Conditions of formation of gas traps in coal deposits" (Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 2017), normative document “Methodological Recommendations for Geological Study of Gas Carbon and Coal Formation for the Calculation of Reserves and Estimation of Coal Gas (Methane) Resources in the Subsoil” (State Commission of Ukraine for Minerals; Kyiv: SCC, 2015. http://www.dkz.gov.ua/ua/diyalnist/normativno-pravova-baza), five articles in journals included in the Scopus science database and in the Reports of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.

V.V. Lukinov’s h-index in Scopus is 2, and the total number of citations is 14. The number of citations at Google Scholar is 244, and h-index is 7. During the same period of time, two ScD and two PhD theses were prepared and defended under his supervision.

He lectures on the subjects "Fundamentals of geology of oil and gas", "Actual problems of coal geology" and "Professional functions and tasks of masters", directs the preparation of diploma projects and scientific work of bachelors and masters students. For many years he has been a member of the editorial boards of the journals: “Scientific Bulletin of the National Technical University ‘Dnipro Polytechnic’" (Dnipro) and "Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals” (Lviv).



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